Monday, March 9, 2015

YetAnotherClassTakeAway 8


I was slightly disturbed by the Ryan video we watched. I’ll be honest, I was very disturbed by it for some reason. That being said there was a message that I got from the video. The message I got was that our creativity takes something from us and yet add to us at the same time. In essence, we leave a part of ourselves in each piece we create. We also gain an experience that we can draw from in the future. I might be wrong but I don’t mind being wrong.


I resemble the remark about escaping in games...and movies…and books to have experiences we lack in our own lives. I hate to admit it but I read romance novels. It’s an embarrassment that I have to live with. But the reason why I read romances is because I lack romance in my life. I watch action movies because I lack adventure in my life. I play puzzle games because I’m boring. (that one didn’t fit but it’s true)

Um… like… um… and stuff like that….um

The likes are as plentiful are as stars in the sand.
I have been paying attention to a lot of what is being said in class. I take notes. I’m a nerd. But one notation that I have made from pretty much every class thus far is that the word “like” and “stuff like that” are things that are said WAY TOO MUCH. I’m not trying to call anyone out because I know that I’m not a very efficient public speaker myself. I have come to the conclusion that pretty much all of us need to partake in intercommunication classes.

“Roar! It will be logical!”

I just liked that sentence. I don’t have any insight on that, just that I like it. I do sort of resemble that comment a little, also. But it doesn't mean I have insight.

It’s still you

“It starts off as you but ends up you, but a more intentional you.” I love this. We aren’t changing who we are in this class. We are changing how we see ourselves and how we portray ourselves in our work. We are learning how to give a part of ourselves that we didn’t know how to tap into. We are exploring ways to express our opinions and experiences. We are still who we were before, just like we are who we will be in the future.  So be bold and be yourself.

A Final Reflection

I was already excited about my book alteration but now I’m even more so. I have purchased all the materials I will need to execute the pendant. I’m just waiting for them to be delivered. I’m also excited about my “cover” or acrylic box. I was sitting in the hallway when the acrylic idea came to me. I like the idea that you can see my transformation but you can’t touch it unless I choose to open the box that keeps me safe. It’s my armor. I’ll let you see some of me but you can’t see all of me unless I let you.

I really don't like to be center of attention. I wasn't kidding when I said that when I was showing who I am and why I'm here. I just wanted to give an example of how true that is. I used to give planetarium shows and telescope viewings when I was at Butler. It was by far my favorite job EVER. I couldn't understand why I hated talking in from of people but loved my job so much. I eventually figured it out. When I was giving planetarium shows I was in the dark. No one could see me. They just heard my voice. I was never the center of the attention.. the show was. 

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