Thursday, February 12, 2015

but I'm a good girl

Bucking the Rules

I found this assignment to be very uncomfortable so I'm calling it bucking the rules instead of breaking the rules. I nearly always abide by the rules except for the speed limit because there is no way I should have to go that slow (school zones being the exception). Stress levels elevate greatly when rules are broken for no good reason. So I had to take baby steps with this project. I do think that in the world of design, you have to have a very good reason to break the rules. And a good reason is NOT because you didn't know there were rules or that the designer was being lazy. Now that the rant is over, here are the results of my baby steps.

Comic Sans-

I love typography. I'm a nerd in my own way. And because I love typography I know that there is very little if any redeeming qualities of comic sans. You can have an amazing design and it is ruined with the introduction of this nugget of doo.  You might think, "I'll make it better with a stroke!" and you would be wrong. So that is what I did. I used comic sans with a stroke to create this little gem.
It's okay if a little boring.

Horrible Web Design-

I might be majoring in web design. I'm not sure yet but it's possible. So I looked for a horrible web site to play with in Photoshop like was done in class. Here is the gem I found in my search for a horrible site. It's pretty fantastic.

This is my final product in my Photoshop play time. I almost want to print this and mount it for wall art. I think it's purtiful!

While I was playing with these two attempts to rule breaking, I discovered that I had a hard time to stop. I was thinking while working with the comic sans, "what other rules can I think of that need to be addressed?" I saved incramentally, and realized that I usually went a step too far and because I have a hard time turning in something ugly, I had to back track. That is all...

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