Monday, March 2, 2015

Taking It Away 7

“I Am A Tool”

Let the giggling commence.

I enjoyed the “Who am I?” project immensely. I really wish we had time to see everyone’s projects. I’m always intrigued with how others see what I missed. I loved the concept of my project but I’m never satisfied with final result. That being said, I could very easily re-do this project. I focused on what I was not. I’d like to do it again with what I am.

Why Why Why Why

I would never make a good mother because that single word annoys me. There are times when the why does not matter. But the who, the when, the how, the when are just as important. But seeing as this is the purpose of the class I will put on my big girl panties and deal with it.
I’m not so efficient at answering why? I want to say just because but I know that won’t get me far. I also know that I can’t grow as an artist/designer if I ignore the why too long.

Polly Anna

I am not Polly Anna either. I do try to see where others are coming from and I do try to avoid being too negative. I try to see other people’s perspective. Just because it is my way doesn’t mean my way is the only way or that my way is even correct. But I take ownership of it so that should account or something.

I’m not feeling all that insightful today. Usually I full of reflection after class but today was so short that I’m feeling a little lack luster. I was sad that class was cut short as this is the only class this semester that I’m enjoying. 

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